The bible often throughout its pages refers to both Gods' followers and Jesus as sheep. Why? The reason is something that is worth discussing. Long ago about 2000 years ago in Israel, Jesus spoke to the Jewish people telling them that Gods’ church was comparable to sheep. The church is the people. Did he say this because he was saying all people are dumb like sheep? I don't think so. I don't think sheep are dumb at all, but very good followers and I know Jesus doesn't think I am dumb. Sheep were one of the greatest sources of their wealth at that time. Not to mention their overwhelming amount of benefits and purposes sheep have. We know that sheep provide wool. They also provide fertilizer, milk, food, and in those days ceremonial sacrificial sin offering. It goes so much deeper than that, however. Why would we as people be compared to sheep? The church is a welfare system to help everyone who is in need. The book of James in the bible, chapter 1 verse 27 says, “Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.” You might also like, "The Consequence of Value" Wool Sheep provide wool. Jesus’ church has an obligation to clothe those who are in need. Giving up a part of us to help another person. It's a beautiful analogy. Milk and Meat The church is to feed those by producing milk and meat. We give up what we have to help share it with those who go hungry. Spiritually, the church provides milk to the spiritual infant. The ones who are brand new to a relationship with Jesus. Meat or food to those who are older and need sustenance in teaching and living more closely to God. Fertilizer The church helps fertilize the soil for future crops. What I mean is that the Church will live every day doing. As a result it will help others to recognize truth and prepare the soil to produce good fruit. Jesus also compares the church to good soil in the Parable of the Sower in Luke chapter 8 verses 1 through 15. I recommend the reading. There's more on the Sower in, "Commitment" Sacrifice This is where things get interesting. Prior to Jesus’ coming, sacrificing animals was necessary to roll a person’s sins ahead. That is an interesting study of its own. nevertheless, Jesus is compared to a sheep in the Old Testament book of Isaiah, chapter 53 verse 7, “He was oppressed and afflicted, yet he did not open his mouth; he was led like a lamb to the slaughter, and as a sheep before its shearers is silent, so he did not open his mouth.” This passage came to fulfillment many years after its writing in Jesus sacrifice for all people. To be the last sacrifice to remove sin from our lives through believing in him. I suggest reading Hebrews chapter 10 for more on this. (or click the link) Jesus was compared to a lamb. That means he became like us. To know more of Jesus Sacrifice read, "What Did Jesus Give up for You?" He did it so that we no longer need to continue to sacrifice animals to roll sins ahead. He removed our sin through his sacrifice. I do not believe God would use the bible to compare us and Jesus to sheep to suggest we are stupid and dumb creatures. We need guidance from a moral lawgiver. I will agree with that but I know I am at least not stupid. If I follow myself, I may always choose what is not good for me if I base it on my own moral law. The world and society will impose moral laws to abide by for the safety and protection of each other. Except, conflict arises when my moral law becomes more right than your moral law. We need God to be our moral lawgiver. Our compass to guide our hearts. We are not to selfishly keep our bountiful resources but to freely give to those who are in need. To help hungry children, widows, and disabled people. To be the example to those who want to live a better life. However, there is more. More to write concerning the body of Christ which is his Church.
Sheep will hear the rustling of bushes and believe it is their master. For us this is a false teacher. Behind the façade of the bush is the hungry wolf with teeth of lies. The shepherds in Christs’ church are to be the exact sound of Jesus words and truth so that we know not to fall into the traps of false teachers. Some other false shepherd not of this flock will come and call the sheep. When we have been healed and cared for by our rightful God, we will know the message of truth distinguished from the false voices calling us in the wind. The elders are our shepherds. Our leg becomes broken when we recognize that our life is full of sin and that we need Jesus to help us. They help us.
We do not usually have Jesus coming down from heaven to teach us directly from his own mouth these days but we do have those he has entrusted with his words. Not only our elders. Jesus as our shepherd will stand in the face of lions and wolves. He will put his own life in the face of danger to save ALL his flock of sheep. His elders do the same. I am proud to be a sheep in Gods church. I am protected, loved and able to help all those in need. Jesus has given us everything to follow him safely to an eternal happiness in Gods’ loving heaven. This is what Jesus has to offer us. It is up to us at this point to accept that Jesus is the Way, the Truth, and the Life. No one comes to the Father except through him. – John chapter 14 verse 6. Jesus is here for all of us and we are bring his message forward as we need to. We would be grateful and humbled if you left us a comment and shared this message to help us share Jesus words with those who are in need. Warmly, Jeffrey Wright
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Enola Beans
4/12/2020 11:27:39 pm
Hello Jeffrey,
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