Jesus knows, do you? I believe that the way to build Christ’s church is to build strong relationships. Church is the people not a building or location or a group name. It is the collection of all us wonderful (possibly weird) people. Our Calling to Trust, We have answered the call that Jesus said for us to “pick up our cross” and follow. We have made a commitment to Jesus to be a follower. I do not mean a Facebook or Instagram follower either. Someone who has changed his or her life to be like Christ. We learn to talk as he did and do the things he did. Countless times, he helped the weak and poor. He fed the hungry. We might not use God’s power to perform a miracle to feed five thousand but we put all our effort in to do it without the miracles. That is a completely new level of power. Jesus helped everyone that truly believed in him. He taught those who were willing to listen and wept with those who lost a loved one. (John 11:35) Why did Jesus do so much for people? Purpose,
Jesus had a purpose, “to seek and save what was lost.” (Luke 19:10) How did Jesus get people to change their whole life to follow him? It isn’t a secret or some mystery. It’s simple and honest trust. Also read: Why we do what we do The most important ingredient in any relationship is trust. We have many examples of this trust throughout scripture which I encourage you to discover in your reading (a good place to start is the book of John). Having faith in God is more than thinking that God exists. It is to trust God and be trustworthy towards God. We read the word faith many times in scripture and often view it as believing that God exists. Nevertheless, faith is much like the same “being faithful” towards our spouse. God started his 10 commandments off with being a Jealous God and us not having any other gods before us. He asks us to trust him and he will trust us. Jesus told the fishermen Andrew and James to cast their nets on the other side of the boat. The net was too full of fish to pull on to the boats. That is how he established trust that he is the Christ. Conclusion Psychologists now say the same message (as if it were their revelation and discovery) that trust is the most important ingredient in a healthy relationship. Also read this article: Importance of Trust in a Relationship It is our obligation to represent Jesus and do as he did. We are to plant the seed of truth. For us to do this, we must establish trust. Jesus knows to do this. It is good. As we minister to all those around us, be it friends, family, or complete strangers, we must let them know they can trust us. Leave us your thoughts in the comments!
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Jeffrey Wright Archives
January 2021